Mayor Robert Werdeo Jr. to order at 6:00 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call.
The was 5 members present with 1 missing.Minutes – January 11, 2011.
Council agreed to accept that meeting minutes from previous meeting.
BBC, LLC custodian agreement.
Contract to use private company for cleaning services for the city was tabled because of Union's are fighting city to make this a union position. The locations for cleaning are the Fire Station, Community Center, Historical Bessler Home, Stoelting House, and Library. The private company cost is $40,000 less than it would cost for a union position. This is tabled until the union meets with the council. I asked and this will be done in open session and the public will be allowed to be involved.
Auditing - 3 year agreement, Schenck SC.
This is the company used by the city for years. The cost will be $30,950 for 2011, $31,900 for 2012 and 32,900 for 2013.
Economic Development Corporation presentation.
This is an organization for Manitowoc County that sells the city for business to come to the area. The costs for this organization is coming from TID 2 and 3.
APPA Legislative Rally, Dennis Dedering, Washington DC.
Dennis Dedering will be attending this event Feb 28th through March 2nd. He said this will be paid for by the Public utilities. From what I understand this event is all about power. I read the handout and they are pushing renewable energy and climate change. I hope that our city does not get sucked into the failure of global warming and the renewable energy failures.
Operator’s licenses.
Two operator licenses were approved.
Operator’s license – Brooke Weber.
Chief Funkhouser wrote a letter to the council that after performing a background check on Brooke. He found prior convictions after she staed on her application that she had none. So the council agreed with the chief and disallowed the bartenders license.
Any other matters that lawfully comes before the Council.
The garage razing was brought up. There is a garage what was too close to the property line so they city requested it be moved or be razed. The city inspector stated that the garage was 1 foot off of the property line when it needed to be at least 3 feet off the property line. The home owner finally moved it 2 feet over to come in compliance with the city. The neighbor now says that the garage was right on the line and now that it is moved it is still not far enough over. The home owner complied with what the city asked and from the stand point of the city it should be settled.
Meeting attended and notes by Randy Kubetz